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Here are MP3 audio files for mantras, seminar talks on karma, spirituality, religion, life situations and healing.

KQ Newsletter #16 related audios (False ego):

  1. Eclipses and the False Ego: Part-1: A Healing Opportunity [11.8 MB, 13:00 minutes] Additional information.
  2. Eclipses and the False Ego: Part-2: The Defensive False Ego [9 MB, 9:53 minutes]Additional information.
  3. Eclipses and the False Ego: Part-3: Real time Healing Meditation and discussion [Large file–20.5 MB, 22:20 minutes]
    Note: This is a deep meditative exploration followed by a discussion. Best heard when you have about half an hour of undisturbed time. Additional information.

Karma Concepts (Reiki 1 Seminar excerpts):

(Article: our Reiki journey and what Reiki can do for you.)

  1. Karma and Spiritual principles: [3.79 MB, 4:02 minutes]
    Hover mouse over for description.
  2. 3 Types of karma (karma, vikarma and akarma):[2.4 MB, 2:34 minutes]
    Hover mouse over for description.
  3. Karma, healing, right and wrong, consequences of action: [2.4 MB, 2:33 minutes]
    Hover mouse over for description.