The KQ Force
The primary goal of the KQ Force is to change your life and your karma for the better today and right now. The KQ Force can help improve any situation of life.
KQ is a highly empowering spiritual energy available only through special initiation techniques. The ‘Karma Quotient’ or “KQ” is the sum of everything we do in life and what happens to us in our lives–the expected and the unexpected.
Audio excerpts from KQ Day 2016
Some benefits of the KQ Force
- Health in all areas of life–mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, karmic.
- Ability to deal with any situation with balance and without helplessness.
- Improve relationships with family, friends, associates; convert unfriendly relationships to neutral or friendly ones.
- Changing, neutralizing, deflecting threatening or dangerous conditions: accidents, mishaps and sudden threats and dangers to life and health, black magic, black tantra, evil eye and so on.
- Changing lack of progress and failure to achieve greater success than before in more satisfying and meaningful ways: Career, profession, opportunities
Financial and wealth situation
Personal relationships
Spiritual progress
Personal satisfaction and joy of life
Q & A
How does the K.Q. Force work? What changes can we expect in our lives from this?
- In simple terms, the K.Q. Force is a karma healing active energy that changes the quality of your life. It is ‘spiritual’ in nature; spiritual, meaning that it can override the existing patterns of your karmic accumulations–your karma credits.
- It does this without building up an accumulation of reactions to be further balanced in future, and this is at the core of all practices aimed at freeing one from repeated cycles of rebirth.
In other words, the Force upgrades your karmic receipts, while deleting or writing off future karmic debt (to be paid or received.) The K.Q. Force rapidly makes you karmic debt-free.
This means that you enjoy a far better quality of life today, while reducing or getting rid of troublesome or painful future reactions in life. At the same time it frees you to activate potentials in your life which would otherwise not be available for you in your existing patterns of life.
For the more technically curious, we give additional details below.
I wish you success in healing and changing your life with the KQ Force!
–Nalin Nirula
What is the ‘KQ Force’, and what is its origin?
- The ‘K.Q. Force’ or ‘Karma Quotient Force’ is the specific name given by the co-discoverers–Nalin Nirula and Renoo Nirula, to a specific mystical healing energy discovered by them. They worked with this energy since 1981-1982.
- The KQ Force is an energy that changes the existing patterns of our lives for the better by altering the karmic balance of our lives. This is verifiable by working with the energies once a person is formally initiated into the system.
- The word ‘karma’ is a sanskrit word meaning, ‘the activities that we do and the latent and kinetic energies developed and accumulated due to these activities.’
- ‘Quotient’ means the sum total balance remaining to our karmic accumulation account.
- So, we can say that the ‘karma quotient’ means the sum total accumulation of the consequences of our actions that we are due to experience.
In 2015 the co-founders of the KQ Force healing system formally separated ways to pursue their own paths. - This energy improves and changes one’s existing karmic balance (the karma quotient)–and, consequently, improves and changes whatever one may be experiencing in one’s life-situations.
- The Karma Quotient Force acts to change your life in every respect once you are connected to the Force through a special empowerment from the Master Healer Nalin Nirula.
- This connection gives you a very high level capability of helping yourself and others around you with this action-reaction changing empowerment. This is experienced by all as the immediate, emergency and long-term benefits of the Force connection and its workings.
- You need not remain helpless in the face of any difficult or dangerous situation in your life. Once connected to the Karma Quotient Force, you can create an instant harmonizing change in the balance of events taking place.
- These results will be seen sooner or later depending upon the amount of karmic balance to be shifted and the amount of healing you channel to the situation or event.
Learn how the KQ Force is ‘Super Karma’
Self Realization and Self Actualization
In general no preconditions apply as a pre-requisite to participation in the primary levels of the Seminars.
Reiki and the KQ Force Combine practical and spiritual benefits in a radical way
- The Karmic Healing empowerment and teachings give the ability and capability to change and modify current and future conditions of life in every sphere of activity.
- The ultimate goal of these karmic healing empowerments is to become binding-consequence karma-free in order to attain to one’s pure spiritual existence. In other words, as a primary goal–to be free of the cycle of birth death old age and disease–the karma syndrome disease.
- What is being sought to be achieved through various religious and other self-developmental methods is immediately available through these spiritual empowerment seminars along with a phenomenal improvement in one’s material life. The best thing is that none of this conflicts or contradicts any system of self-development or religious process.
For a comparison of other self-developmental and empowering methods that follow a sectarian religious system go here. (‘Super Karma’)
(Even before taking the spiritual empowerment seminars you can change your karma today.)’ Some of the benefits of the KQ karmic methods as empowered by the Healing Master Nalin K. Nirula
One can achieve true self realization and self actualization only by applying spiritual empowerment to all aspects of life and living.
Master Nirula says, “enriching one’s life and meeting one’s karmic goals–spiritual and material, are not two separate things, but are to be harmonized like two wheels of a vehicle running parallel to each other, supporting each other and carrying one forward.”
“This is the essential confidential secret of all-round progress. There is no need for fanatical rejection of one lifestyle for the other–both spiritual and material must co-exist harmoniously, and that has been the way since ancient times.”
- “The key point for success is a the action the healer takes to actualize what has been prepared for him by the healing energy. It is a partnership process for progress.”
The Karmic Healing Empowerments benefit you in many ways
- By changing current lack of progress and failure to achieve greater success than before in all areas of life and living, and in more satisfying and meaningful ways.
All such gains would be measurable by you against past historical conditions and records of achievement (or lack of it) in these areas:
- Career, profession, opportunities
- Financial and wealth situation
- Personal relationships
- Spiritual progress
- Personal satisfaction and joy of life
- Health–mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, karmic.
- Ability to deal with any situation with balance and not remain helpless or overwhelmed in any situation.
- Improving relationships with family, friends, associates; converting inimical and unfriendly relationships to neutral or friendly ones.
- Changing, neutralizing, deflecting threatening or dangerous conditions: accidents, mishaps and sudden threats and dangers to life and health, black magic, black tantra, evil eye and so on.
All spiritual empowerment seminars and techniques as taught by Nalin K. Nirula are authentic and verified for results on an ongoing basis for more than 30 years.
These are non-religious, non-sectarian teachings suitable for everyone and do not conflict with any religious or other belief or faith system.