The Seven Universal Laws of Karma
The First Law
“Like Attracts Like”
The Second Law
“Energy Follows Thought”
The Third Law
(more to come)
The Fourth Law
(more to come)
The Fifth Law
(more to come)
The Sixth Law
(more to come)
The Seventh Law
(more to come)
The First Law
Part 1-“Like Attracts Like” – not to be confused with the commonly understood definition of the ‘law of attraction’. This law has been somewhat misunderstood under the name of ‘the law of attraction’. The proponents of the law of attraction imply that nature or life-events can be controlled essentially just by mental thinking and willing.
Part 2 – “The First Law attracts the like Karma Quotient results” – The first law functions such that ‘like attracts like’ and Karma experienced, is modified by individual KQ balance.
The Second Law
“Energy follows Thought”
The Third Law
The Fourth Law
The Fifth Law
The Sixth Law
The Seventh Law
(More to come)