
First Law of Karma Part 2

Workings of The First Law of Karma Part-2 – ” ‘Like attracts like’ and Karma experienced, is modified by individual KQ balance.”

Keeping in mind the First Law, this means that individual Karma Quotient attracts the karmic results needed to balance, nullify or exhaust individual karma quotient.

This means that one has to have that availability of karma potential, or the ‘karma credits’ to get what is asked for. Once the credits run out, then results won’t come. The best option is to generate fresh karma credits through the karmic destiny-changing empowerments of Reiki and the KQ Force.

  • The first law of karma part 2 is based on the observation that ‘like attracts like’ does not exactly work out as a directly equivalent response in terms of either quantity or type for a given act. This is because there are other pre-existing influences that are also activated.
  • The individual pre-existing karma quotient balance or ‘karmic bank account’ affects outcome of karmic results. So the results are not necessarily on a simple one-to-one basis.

Your Karmic Bank Account

Just think of your karma quotient (balance amount of karma) as your bank account of karma credits (and debits). If you need to refresh your understanding of ‘karma credits’, you can go to Karma Definitons for a quick refresher (link opens a new window). You can also refer to the navigation bar on the left side and look at the various topics for more detailed information at ‘Karma Credits’.

How Your KQ Account Works

For convenience we can refer to the workings of your karma credit account mechanism as your ‘KQ debit card’. This card works as a debit card as well as a credit card, allowing you to draw upon benefits or activities for which you would pay later out of your accumulated karma credits. In reality it is a debit card only, with some illusory ‘credit’.

So, there is a situation of deferred payments as it were, and payments debited to your KQ accounts which work as–

  • Your paying for positive and negative activities from your accumulation of karma (the karma quotient remaining), debiting your KQ balance and reducing that particular category–whether positive or negative.
  • Next, you create additional balances of karma by any activity that you do–positive or negative, adding to your KQ balance.
  • Your spiritual activity or super karma influences and changes the quantity and net effect of the good and bad materially binding karma and the KQ balance. Ultimately super karma liberates you from the karma syndrome.
  • In other words, super karma writes off all your materially binding karma credits.

Recapping So Far--

The results or situations coming to you on a daily basis are ‘paid for’ by what is available in your KQ account. Think of these life activities and events as being paid for by your KQ debit card account linked to the banking limits available in your karmic bank account.

What you can pay for must remain within the debit card limit–whether you pay it forward or you receive from others. Naturally, these limits will fluctuate according to how many karma credits you create or spend–good, bad or super karma credits.

Modification of Karmic Results

  • It is common experience that similar activities done by different individuals can have very different end-results. This is because of the differing capacities of individual KQ balances.
  • The individual KQ balances in combination with the individual current activity creates the end-result experienced.
  • Individual karmic balances that are ‘maturing’ give a push to our thinking and desiring to work towards a particular goal or in a specific direction.
  • In any situation, there are at least three choices available to us:
    1. First, the choice that is the most likely or ‘easy’ choice arising out of the existing direction of events we are moving toward. This choice suits our personal image of ourselves in relationship to whoever we are connecting to in this choice and is easily exercised. A false-ego (swaadisthaan or hara chakra) choice.
    2. Next, the choice that requires us to exert ourselves or work a little harder for it. This is a ‘practical’ choice. This also is a false ego-choice but considers some practical wisdom factors, evaluating some short-term potential positive and negative points. This is from the ‘greed and fear’ areas of making choices. (The solar plexus and swaadisthaan or hara chakra, respectively.)
    3. Finally, the ‘hard work’ or ‘long route’ choice–arising out of a longer-term view, or higher wisdom (third-eye chakra or ajna chakra). This is a balanced view considering longer term realities that would be sustainable for a longer period of time.
      Typically, this choice would consider not only personal benefits but benefits to others involved in or affected by the situation. Naturally where everyone involved has a perception that they are benefiting fairly from the arrangement, such a situation is likely to continue in a stable and friendly (good) way for a longer period. This is ‘natural wisdom’ of a high order.
  • Depending on the level of choices we exercise, the karmic results will manifest differently.
  • Within the parameters of our Karma Quotient, we will get results–relatively, as it were.
  • Super karma activities change the existing balance of the Karma Quotient by bettering results, creating opportunities that did not exist earlier, and by reducing, reversing and eliminating binding karma.
    While binding karma for good and bad is reduced, eliminated, it does not mean that there is a reduction of activities. Rather, there is a loosening and elimination of binding karmic consequences.
  • Super karma is available only through an empowerment process such as the KQ Force Empowerments, and other healing modalities involving an initiation process.

To learn more about how to receive these life-changing, radical karma-changing super karma empowerments click on this link.