March 27, 2010
At 4:25am today, 27 March 2010, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj gently passed away from our vision by his own sweet will and surrounded by sannyasis and servitors chanting softly.
“His holy form was presently taken with a convoy of vehicles from our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, to Nabadwip where this afternoon he is being given samadhi close to the Samadhi Mandir of his beloved Srila Guru Maharaj.
‘Around the world devotees are observing a day of chanting, prayer, glorification and simple living in honour of this event.’
Excerpt from an email received from our spiritual master’s secretary (Mahanada das, now BR Madhusudhan Swami)
The homecoming of Krishna’s dear friend is a joyful occasion in the spiritual world. And so it should be here as well.
During his presence on the planet in this lifetime Govinda Maharaj was a most powerful Vaishnava devotee-healer by the grace of his spiritual master Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Maharaj. (Pictured at right.)
Govinda Maharaj greatly expanded Sridhar Maharaj’s teachings. He preached and propagated Krishna consciousness worldwide, connecting many souls to the Light. Maharaj was always jovial and enthusiastic in whatever he did radiating joy at everyone he came across.
He freely gave of his qualities to his disciples, and he gave me the spiritual name of ‘Nayan Abhiram Das Adhikari Dev-Sarman’. This was a somewhat unusual name.
Maharaj explained my name as meaning that, all eyes would become very pleased and delighted upon seeing me, creating a calming effect, and that wherever I looked I would create and see happiness and joy. The ‘das’ part of the name meant that I was a confidential servant of the Divine in His aspect as ‘Nayan Abhiram’–He whom the eyes are pleased and joyful to see; ‘adhikari’ meant that I was entitled to share in the sacrifices offered to the deva administrators of the universe during various sacrifices meant for spiritual elevation; ‘Dev-sarman’ meant that I was equivalent to, and entitled to a seat with the deva administrators.
By Maharaj’s blessings, we have been able to convey a special empowerment further on to our students. This is a key aspect of the KQ Force purple healing energy that radiates from the eyes of all the KQ healers. As they know, their look heals all that their vision glances over.
Srila Govinda Maharaj was very special to the administrators of the universe, especially with Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman.
Maharaj’s presence came at a very crucial juncture in our life. We were greatly blessed that he appeared to us when he did.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.
Nalin Nirula
(Link to the Chaitanya Saraswat Math, of which Govinda Maharaj was the Sevaite-President-Acharyya)