KQ #15, Going Home… Living my last life… Pascall’s Wager
February 13, 2010
The KQ Newsletter–
Your best karma-changing resource on the web.
Issue #015, Saturday, February 13, 2010. Published Monthly.
During our recent spiritual retreat the question came up, ‘if this is my last life how do I live? How do I conduct myself with others?’
An exploration of this possibility revealed aspects of action that would radically change the dynamics of every day life and living. It would also have a major impact on the storehouse of individual karma.
If we had the attitude that, this is my last life—even though I may not be sure of it, surely it would change our entire interaction with others and change the way we look at things. Consider this—you are a tourist in a foreign land, and you have been living like a permanent resident there. You are now notified that your permit to stay is about to be over—what would be your reaction?
If you were ‘going home’ where you were most comfortable, you would look at things very differently:
While this may also be said of someone who is in contemplation of their bodily death, there are key differences.
Although we see death around us on a daily basis, we tend to think and act as though it will not happen to us. On the face of it, this may appear to be an irrational belief when we see that everyone dies at some time. At the same time this apparent belief that we shall continue to exist beyond the body may not be so irrational.
In fact, this understanding is quite correct when we consider the true nature of our consciousness, which is: that our consciousness is constant, while the body housing the consciousness is subject to continual change and ultimate destruction.
In all of this, there is no evidence to suggest that the constant nature of our consciousness changes or ‘dies’ with the changing body. An assumption that the consciousness dies with the body is an unproven assumption only.
While we may instinctively know that we shall not cease to exist at some level, we live as though we shall die because we equate bodily death as the end of everything. As explored in the reincarnation article, by your own experience you will know that the end of the body is not the end of you.
This seeking and experiencing of ‘mortal’ satisfaction is unable to satisfy the inner need of the constant nature which seeks satisfaction in a similar immortal energy such as Reiki or the KQ Force that are direct connections to the Source of all sources, the Supreme Divine Being—or call Him ‘God’ if you like.
The 17th century French philosopher Blaise Pascal postulated even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should wager as though God exists, because living life accordingly, he has everything to gain, and nothing to lose.
Pascal’s thesis has been challenged on many grounds by other thinkers during and since his time.
However, if Pascal had thought of the evidence for reincarnation he could have definitively proved his theory through reason and available experiential evidence from his own life as well of others. Western philosophy has no or little concept of the theory of karma which is really the physics of the spiritual life element or consciousness.
An understanding of karmic forces is essential to develop sufficient knowledge on how to tackle the act of life and living in a complete way.
Understanding the laws of karma, if we live our lives as though it is our last life and we are not returning to this zone of existence, then our attitudes and responses will change. If this is our last life in this zone of birth, death, old age, disease and re-birth, then many things previously important to us lose their significance and their power to disturb us.
As an empowered being, you can live life as though it is your last, but not in desperation to cram in all the experiences and sensations you hanker for. Live with trust and joy–appreciate your world and its variety. Live life in confidence that you are winding up your affairs in this universe of transience and moving to your permanent home.
So if there are some inconveniences and troubles, deal with them and move joyfully through life. If you have unfinished business here then take care of that and keep moving on. You are part of a great creation, but here it is only a passing show. With Divine Grace you are going to your real home.
Wherever your karmic balance has placed you, live life fearlessly for you know that you shall never perish. We send healing vibrations, love and light for you and your family.
Be with the Force!
Nalin K. Nirula
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