
KQ Newsletter #25, Issue #1 of ‘Nalin Nirula’s Wellness Newsletter’
September 05, 2014
The KQ Newsletter–
Your best karma-changing resource on the web.
Issue #026, September 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014. Published periodically.
“Action Thoughts” from the September 2014 ‘Seed in the Lotus’ Healing Retreat! … Now follow us on Twitter
‘The Seed in the Lotus’
We invite you to join us for the Seed in the Lotus Healing Retreat 2014… Heal and change your karma radically by visiting with us on our website daily.
We have audios and will also put up videos so that you can get the karma-changing, life transforming benefit of this healing initiative wherever you might be.
For more, we invite you to visit the Karma Blog.
“Action Thought” for September 5, 2014
Here is the “Action Thought” for today… To hear the audio Click here to go to the Karma Blog page.
“Hearing the Hidden Messages”
(From the opening day of the Seed in the Lotus Healing Retreat, September 4, 2014)
Just open any one page of the (Hare) Book, and you will get your answer…(from page 19 of the book).
“As we listen repeatedly to the teaching of the Masters, we listen truly with our wisdom nature. We chant, we listen and a deep feeling of love—a familiar emotion slowly awakens us.
“To really listen is to have no consciousness of the self.
“When we really listen then all judgment regret and rejection are absent and we are slowly cleansed, and then we are open to everything…
“Affirm—I listen with a silent mind to the truth, then the true meaning of life and healing awaken within a desire to remain more silent bringing me to the zone of the healing light forever.”
Nalin K Nirula and Renoo Nirula
Follow us on Twitter!
We are now on Twitter–follow us in real time to get updates on what’s happening. May the Lotus of your life blossom in beauty and love even as you change the seeds of your karma simultaneously.
Be with the Force!
Nalin K. Nirula and Renoo Nirula
Follow us on Twitter!
Nalin Nirula is now on Twitter–follow him in real time to get updates on what’s happening.
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