

KQ Newsletter #21, “Guidance… Change your karma and destiny now.” (February 14, 2013)

The KQ Newsletter–
Your best karma-changing resource on the web.
Issue #021, February 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013. Published Periodically.

Guidance for healing… Change your karma and destiny now…

Guidance, Happiness and Healing!

It has been quite some time since we last wrote to you. We take this opportunity to visit with you to let you know that better destiny alternatives await you through the power of healing your karma quotient.
If you are not yet a healer connected to karma changing empowerments of the Karma Quotient (KQ) Force or Reiki, we invite you browse through our website and use the self-help methods to make a real difference to the quality of your life right now.

We understand that healers and seekers alike are busy in their life situations and perhaps distracted by pressing issues of life. If that is the case with you, you will find resources to renew your energies and understandings of karma and healing possibilities on the special Guidance page. In this, here we honor the teachings of the Founder of the Reiki Healing system–Master Mikao Usui, and the lineage of Masters descended from him.

We continue to send healing vibrations, love and light for you and your family–especially for success in finding balanced guidance and success in healing your life in all respects.

Be with the Force!

Nalin K. Nirula

A message from the KQ Force Team

The Appearance Day of Dr. Mikao Usui
February 4, 2013
February 4 is celebrated as the Appearance day of Master Usui, and his special karma changing and karma healing energies flow on to the planet on that day in greatly magnified form.
This year, an august assembly of healers–karma warrriors really!–gathered together at Nirulavilas in New Delhi.

There, they received guidance from the Karma Healing Masters Nirula on how to apply practical healing solutions to everyday problems, and how to advance in all their life-endeavors.

Excerpts from these discussions are posted on the a special Guidance page. You can hear these online and also download these for hearing them off-line. In the Karma Blog, in the ‘Thoughts’ section, the postings made this month of February will be from the discussions that took place on the special Appearance Day of Dr. Usui.

Do check in on these pages regularly for updates and healing guidance. We hope you will take up these opportunities to help change your life for the better.

With best wishes!–
The KQ Force Team

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