
KQ Newsletter #24, Issue #1 of ‘Nalin Nirula’s Wellness Newsletter’
June 25, 2013
The KQ Newsletter–
Your best karma-changing resource on the web.
Issue #024, June 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013. Published periodically.
“Change Your Karma Now!” App is now available for your PDA and Apple phone and iPad, and your Android phone and tablets
ChangeKarmaNow! App
Get the Free ChangeKarmaNow! App for use on your mobile phone, PDA and access our karma changing website conveniently–Hold your destiny in your hand and recreate it right now!
The “Thought” section has the Thoughts for the current day and the previous few days.
Conveniently check the current seminar schedule by clicking on the “Empowerment” tab, and also go to articles on the website.
Click on the image to go directly to the App.
You can also copy this url code onto your phone or PDA browser by right clicking and saving, and then follow the instructions for downloading the App to your device.
Save to your homescreen for convenient access at anytime.
For more, we invite you to visit the Blog.
Be with the Force!
Nalin K. Nirula
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