KQ Newsletter #4, Get Undiminishing Wealth on May 7, Akshaya Tritiya
May 05, 2008
The KQ Newsletter–
Your best karma-changing resource on the web.
Issue #004, Monday, May 5, 2008. Published Monthly.
April 27, 2009 Akshay Tritiya Update
***************************************This is an excellent time to progress spiritually and also to buy some gold for attracting good fortune according to the energies on this day. Scroll down for more information on how to heal your karma on this day.
May 7, 2008 is the ‘Akshay Tritiya’ (akha teej)–the third day after amavasya (new moon), in the month of vaishakha (April 14- May 13). ‘Akshaya’ means, ‘that which is never lessened’, while ‘tritiya’ means the 3rd day after the new moon.
During the month of vaishakha, the sun is in the Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, where it is in an exalted or most powerful position to give benefits. This May 7, the moon will also be in a powerful position. This combination of universal energies creates unusual opulence energies whereby any auspicious or desirable activity commenced on this day leads to continued growth of beneficial results throughout the year.
Historically, it is recommended that people buy some gold on this day. Although any time of the day is fine, but the time from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Wednesday, this May 7, is specially fortunate.
***Note for all healers***This is positive social welfare cause you can send healing to, affirming that the politicians are working for the benefit of the public more and more and that the karma of the people is so healed that they do receive such benefits in greater proportion.
In the past, we have sent healing that corrupt politicians be exposed and rectified, but this led to a huge disturbance where politicians were exposed with many court cases and jail terms against them. It did not greatly rectify the political structure as such, but it did change specific situations.
After that experience, we have changed our healing direction to specifically include healing such that the karma of the people is sufficiently healed that they are able to get better governance and benefits. Unless the recipients’ karma is healed, the benefit are likely to bypass them. More details about types of karma can be accessed in this article.
During this time it is considered auspicious to:
Use the karmic healing devices available at the healing center to change your karma on this most auspicious day.
Using these measures you will change your karma for the better in a big way. The universal timing of events is such that whatever little we might do in this direction has a sustained beneficial effect. Do take advantage of this special time.
Update on adding more useful features on our site–I am pleased to report that we have added the RSS feed which automatically updates you on changes to the site. (This is the orange button above the navigation bar on any page on the site.)
The response has been great and visitors have found this a very useful feature. You can also access important updates on the site blog. You can also ask questions on karma and healing using this Ask a Question form. Some of these Q & A’s are posted on this Q & A links page.
Wishing you well– Be with the KQ Force!
Nalin K. Nirula
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