
Eating_Cure What The Eating Cure Seminar is all about The seminar consists of scientific and research based presentations about the origins and causes of food borne degenerative inflammatory diseases. * Cardio-vascular disease (CVD), cancer, diabetes, arthritis, PCOD, thyroid, allergies and…


India Defense A Discovery Channel Special Video on the Maroon Berets Paratroopers Special Forces Healing affirmation for India Defense September 29, 2016 In the early hours this morning, elite Indian Special Forces strike for India Defense at 7 terror…


Shradh Audio playlist below (downloadable)(Discussions on the “Days of the Dead”) 2017 Shraadh – September 5 through 19 Go to current dates for Shradh at Part 1 – Dying : How people deal with a dying family member and…

What is Enlightenment

What is Enlightenment Enlightenment Series – Part 1 Q: Respected Master, Is enlightenment like on a specific day one is enlightened and then one is not? How does it happen? By definition it seems that something happens to a person…

Saturday Box

Building Wealth With theSaturday Box The Saturday Boxcomes complete with special energization, and wealth attracting seed money. Choice of seed money in Indian Rupees or US Dollar, blessed and empowered by the Master Nalin Nirula. Make your own Saturday-Box, or–Get…


The Black Tantra Disease “We can think of the Black Tantra Disease when benefits in life which are about to fructify suddenly vanish frequently or repeatedly. Of course this need not always be the reason. The good news is that…

Black Swans

Black Swans The Improbable “Lucky Black Swans” of the KQ Force and Reiki The Twin Black Swans of the KQ Force and Reiki–Creating improbable good luck events in your life every day–Get empowered with the KQ Karmic Healing Seminars and…


Q&A Download the chapter 15 Class Handout notes (PDF) Direct Link to BG 15.15: “I am situated in the heart of all souls as the observing and guiding Supersoul, and from Me arise the soul’s remembrance of the self, knowledge,…


Vaastu “Vaastu Healing for Your Life” “Re-aligning the energy flows into our lives–our bodies as well as the physical spaces we live and work in, changes our destiny and what we can get out of life… “The body is a…