

Site Disclaimer and Copyright DISCLAIMER:We encourage all visitors to use the information on the site as a resource only to further their own research. The information on and through this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Finance related…

Money Matters

Money Matters! Jumpstart the material and spiritual with wealth building karma Money matters, whether one is a ‘materialist’ or ‘spiritualist’. For some reason, many of us have the idea that money and spiritual advancement do not go together. In India…

Laws of Karma

The Universal Laws of Karma The Seven Universal Laws of Karma The First Law“Like Attracts Like” The Second Law“Energy Follows Thought” The Third Law(more to come) The Fourth Law(more to come) The Fifth Law(more to come) The Sixth Law(more to…

First Law of Karma Part 2

First Law of Karma Part 2 Workings of The First Law of Karma Part-2 – ” ‘Like attracts like’ and Karma experienced, is modified by individual KQ balance.” Keeping in mind the First Law, this means that individual Karma Quotient…

Chanting Harinaam

Chanting Harinaam, &The Best Krishna Aaradhana (service) Part-2 of ‘Krishna Aaradhana’ Click to return to he article ‘Krishna Aaradhana’ from Chanting Harinaam Part-2: Student: “Is what we practice as healers a step before one starts chanting harinaam or after?” ‘Bhagavad…

Karma Definition

Karma Definition Karma Definition List Here is the key karma definition list and a glossary of related terms. You may also use the Search Engine below for a local site search for any term or query relating to karma definitions…

Good News

“The Good News …” Practical Karma and Reincarnation The good news about reincarnation is that you have many second chances. In a previous two-part article on Reincarnation we discovered a universally found disease condition—the Karma Syndrome. The really good news…

The First Law of Karma

The First Law of Karma The First Law of Karma Part-1 The First Law of Karma states, ‘Like attracts like’: whatever we think or do, attracts the similar–whatever we do gets us the similar. It follows from how we create…

Week days

Week days & their Healing Elements  Sun, Sky. Elements – watercolor and ink – Nalin Nirula Weekdays Article links Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Introduction to ‘Week days’ “The energies of week days is what we live and work in, and each day…

Krishna Aaradhana

Questions About Krishna Aaradhana and Karmic Healing ‘Bhagavad Gita for All’ is an ongoing lecture series by Nalin Nirula. He is a spiritualist and karmic healer based in New Delhi, known for reversing chronic degenerative diseases, as well as conveying spiritual,…